I shot the following question to a couple friends:
My question: Hey~ Do you read Stephen King? ~ Yes, it's loaded.
Lori Ramey (lucky gal) wrote back! At the very least, she's a multilevel teacher in what she calls "the best school ever!" As both her and her husband work there, I've no doubt, she's right. (I'm a committed homeschooler and still I'd love to send Arowyn there...what's a 5 hour commute, anyway! lol!) Enjoy reading our little book session!
Lori's response: My main foray into S.K. has been via his excellent book about writing (called On Writing) which I would happily require my oldest kids to read if not for his liberal use of the F-word. A friend of mine (then a freshman at Clemson U) told me he'd been assigned to read it by his more-progressive, young English professor. Ta is a good writer, so I figured I'd take his recommendation and read King's book... and I'm glad I did. I've also read some of his short stories when sitting in B&N and usually enjoy them. Haven't taken time to read one of his novels, though I'm sure I'd enjoy one of his good ones. They're large, and I don't have as much time for reading as I'd like, so I tend to be picky about what I'm willing to invest time in... I've told my students that I think King is a great writer. I didn't think much of his subject matter per se until I read On Writing. His comments about his various stories really intrigued me, and gave me a new appreciation for his genre. I don't have a problem with horror writing. I just don't usually CARE about the stories enough to invest time in them. lol But hearing him talk about the seeds of ideas, and some of the deeper ideas/themes that underlie some of his novels piqued my interest. I think Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile are 2 of the best movies I've ever seen, so if that's indicative of King's abilities as a writer, I'm happy to give him a shot... after I get through the other 10 books currently on my nightstand. :-) What do YOU think? :)
My Response: Yup, you hit it exactly! {and expressed it better than I could}
Thanks for contributing Lori!
About Me
- Alicha McHugh
- Blue Ridge Area of Virginia
- Alicha McHugh is author of "Daughter of the Promise" first in her: Numbered Among the Stars series (available on Amazon.com). She is a homemaker to her husband of 15 years, homeschooler to their children. Writing, enjoying tea and creaming Raw Honey are three of her current pursuits. Grabbing time to read is always high on her list of priorities! If you'd like to contact her, she'd love to hear from you! Just email: alichamchugh@gmail.com
1 comment:
**off topic** I laughed at your comment over at Rachelle Gardner's blog, so I had to tell you, when my daughter was 3 (she's now 5), she passed gas. I said "Did you toot?" She said "No, that was just my butt telling me I need to go poop." Aren't kids great???
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