The beauty and fascination of such a phrase as "God Reigns. Let the Earth Rejoice!" is multifaceted and though I know I will not exhaust it's meaning or intent I wanted to jot down a couple of things.
First, it's a phrase that puts things in proper perspective. In relating to the issues and sorrows which God has promised will be our lot in life it's that ray of sunlight through the clouds. Not just of illumination but the reminder that the sun still reigns in our heavens despite the storm clouds rumbling near the surface. God doesn't stop being God because we are having a difficult time of it.
Secondly, the phrase is a reminder to US not, as some would take it, an assertion the the Lord's authority (not that that would be wrong as he alone is deserving). I realized this this morning as I was thinking about the incredible COMFORT I find in these words. If all we had were these words, as true and worthy as they are...I would despair. But God, in his goodness, has given me a little understanding over the years of his infinite care and love concerning...ME. ME! And who am I? A drama teacher at BJU once compared me to Jane Eyre. Little did he know I had played her for a competition piece in high school. The words "Poor, obscure, plain and little." came to me at once...but I didn't use them. I pretended I didn't know anything about it and gave him a half smile.
The truth, that I was so afraid of then that I know and even embrace now, is..the words she used to describe herself, describe me perfectly. Likely it's a two-fold freedom, starting with: HE LOVES ME. He placed worth upon me when made me his own, sinful, sorry and pathetic are more accurate to describe myself. He died in such a horrible way, setting his face like flint to to the cross, that we would KNOW how great his love for us is! And with the power to take his life back up he showed us how worthy he is of our following him where ever he may lead. Secondly...To such a God I have plenty of company being "Poor, obscure, plain and little." And yet he set his attentions on us and redeemed us. What a hero. What a God!
When I write this phrase at the end of a note "God Reigns. Let the Earth Rejoice!" I am writing those words rising from a mountain of knowledge of the character and care of/from the one I'm praising. The summit is simply the culmination of that minimal understand, which by his grace grows with every passing trial. And I do mean passing.
About Me
- Alicha McHugh
- Blue Ridge Area of Virginia
- Alicha McHugh is author of "Daughter of the Promise" first in her: Numbered Among the Stars series (available on She is a homemaker to her husband of 15 years, homeschooler to their children. Writing, enjoying tea and creaming Raw Honey are three of her current pursuits. Grabbing time to read is always high on her list of priorities! If you'd like to contact her, she'd love to hear from you! Just email:
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