About Me

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Blue Ridge Area of Virginia
Alicha McHugh is author of "Daughter of the Promise" first in her: Numbered Among the Stars series (available on Amazon.com). She is a homemaker to her husband of 15 years, homeschooler to their children. Writing, enjoying tea and creaming Raw Honey are three of her current pursuits. Grabbing time to read is always high on her list of priorities! If you'd like to contact her, she'd love to hear from you! Just email: alichamchugh@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says~ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

These verses are a lifeline to me. They remind me I’m situationally in the “will of God” in whatever circumstance I am in. That‘s as huge as the storm I may be in at that moment. Then the Holy Spirit shows me where I am in the light of all eternity ~ positionally I am "in Christ"…though my life is taken away, I AM safe. And finally the "for you" reminds me of Ps 139…how he has fashioned all my days and laid them out for me, FOR ME!

I wondered once why we still sometimes fold our hands in prayer, even as adults. I mean, I know why we have our children fold their hand:.to keep them from playing around while praying. And maybe it's something that simple...or maybe not. I’d like to share with you what I came up with…

There are two sides, which in God’s perfect will, become one by His power. In one hand you have “our good”, meaning our best interest, that which we hope for in every situation, the seen and the unseen. In the other hand you have the purpose of our being, the bring of Glory to God. When we fold our hands together in prayer, we are symbolically affirming what God has promised to do as he moves in each of our lives, melding our best interest with His Glory. The realization that these two are never, EVER in contradition in the life of a believer is a powerful, freeing truth.

The verses I gave above help remind me of this truth when “for my good” feels anything but good…Do you have "Lifeline" verses you cling to? If you are so lead...share below!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Suppose to Be" Land"

I’ve written a couple of times about my daughter, Selah and her sleeping (or rather not sleeping) through the night. As I’ve said before, my older daughter, Arowyn slept through the night at four and a half weeks. Selah sleeps through the night on occasion. What has absolutely floored me is the fact that nearly every time she does sleep through the night…something either wakes me up or I have to be up half the night for another reason. Are you starting to suspect God of something yet…it’s okay if you aren’t…took me 14 months to figure it out.

About a week ago, I was contemplating the state of my house, my car, my children, and my mind thinking pray/complaining to the Lord “If Selah would only sleep through the night I could get caught up on…”


I cannot tell you how much trouble my emotional and mental clinging to that sentence has caused in my life. It’s a peace-killing, hope-stealing, life-sucking parasite that creeps in and wraps its nasty self around my heart. And like Jr. Asparagus’ fib…it grows casting other thoughts in its dark shadow.

A long time ago I realize something amazing and life changing. Where I am at this moment, circumstances and all, is EXACTLY where God wants me to be. And while in it, I have the opportunity to bring honor and glory to him by first and foremost submitting with a thankful heart to where I’m AT. But I forget to revisit that thought from time to time.

So, where am I at with Selah? I’m TIRED but there are still things that God is calling me to take care of…with joy no less. Does that mean things are still going to fall apart…yes…but when they do, I’m not going to turn to God with an excuse on my lips, “Well, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat.” Or “Well, Selah kept me up last night, so I…” Whatever the thing I’m letting myself be lazy about because I’m not getting the sleep I think I need!  

I’m very grateful to the Lord for revealing this when he did…it has helped me put this weekend in perspective when I’d rather stand up in my own little world screaming my former mantra. How much easier to look into the face of LOVE and realize, it’s the place, the relationships, the situation God himself has placed me, and in it I have all the power available to me to proceed rightly and obediently and boldly. How do I know? I’ll share that in part 2.

In the meantime…Can you think of an area of your life you’ve subtitled “supposed to be”? Sighs and wistfulness are wonderful “suppose to be” detectors. Do you have another detector you can share?