"So what's your passion?"
This question came from a guest blogger named Mary DeMuth on Michael Hyatt's blog. Her answer to how most respond to this question is like the big red Target dot zeroing in on the end of my nose!
Regardless, she makes some fabulous points about our passions in general, why we often avoid them and discovering exactly what they are. It's called "Find your passion in 3 easy steps" Link at the end of my post and a most worthy read! Please check it out!
I was fascinated by her proposal to pen down my top three "all time" movies and investigate why I enjoy them so much. She brilliantly deduced that it indicates something of what I am passionate about. And though I don't really know how that passion will play itself out, am open to suggestions in the comments, I'm most thankful to recognize it.
The list was easy to make, the thread which linked them...not so much.
The three movies top movies I could (and do) watch over and over are:
1. Persuasion (the 1995 version taken directly from Jane Austen's novel)
2. The Winslow Boy (a fabulous screenplay)
3. A Knight's Tale (main character, the late Heath Ledger)
Other than being excellently written, directed and acted, oh and apparently all British, there's no similarity in plot or characters, they are all from different time periods and various economic backgrounds. So what unites them? I thought on it. And have come to realize something about myself in the process. AND THAT IS EXACTLY what Mrs. Mary DeMuth was getting at, I believe.
One day I will highlight much more about each movie, but here I will be brief and focus only on the things that bind them together in my eyes and why they hold value in my heart~
1. The main character(s) in each of the movies I mention shows a nobility of action, though they are not royally born. Though, for A Knight's Tale, that's a conflict in itself.
2.There is an insignificance of each's situation that's not inherent to their person. Meaning, the protagonists rise above positions of insignificance. Each has value...and each knows their value, is comfortable and assured of it
3. The hero/heroines of these stories fill me with awe. Awe to see what being, not just acting or putting on, a thing I struggle with, but actually BEING a person of honor, courage, strength, dignity, and hope...a person of noble character, the likes of which no regal crown or bloodline can impart.
These are what stir my soul and capture my attention, causing me to gaze with wonder time and again at story lines I know where they're going and dialogue I've memorized by heart. It is what caught my attention and holds it still upon the One who is the ultimate culmination of such a person, nay the One who is the standard to which nobility bows...the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Him I have perfect hope that one day...one day I too will know my value, the worth he has placed upon me. I will be ever mindful of the eternality of each of my words and deeds and not think my life small or insignificant, but most of all that I will walk worthy of Him continually, not only on occasion, because I am part of "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light:" 1 Peter 2:9
So...What's your passion? What are your 3 movies and what binds them in your heart and mind? If you have a moment, share below!
1 comment:
Fun post! The three movies I can watch over and over again are:
1. The Mummy starring Breidan Fraiser. It's a comedy-horror movie. Am I sad if I say I think the mummy is actually kind of cute?
2. All the Lord of the Rings movies. My husband says they don't count as one, but I do, so I win. It's the best epic fantasy movie and book I've ever had the privilege of viewing.
3. This is a hard one. I could name Batman Begins, The Last Dragon and Equilibrium. I think I will chose Equilibrium -- it doesn't get enough press, but is good, thought-provoking and full of action. It's kind of like Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Matrix, a good Western and any kung fu movie rolled into one. During the 70s and 80s we were kung fu movie fanatics. People were twirling and flying up into trees long before The Matrix and the like. Our preference was Bruce Lee -- nobody can move like dude - dead or alive.
Now what does this say about me? Good question. I guess I'm passionate about silly humor, loyalty, doing the right thing, beauty of dress, music and place, poetic language and friendship. Oh! And moves baby! Love the way someone can make his body look like visual poetry. Gotta ponder this a bit more.
Thanks for the fun!
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