About Me

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Blue Ridge Area of Virginia
Alicha McHugh is author of "Daughter of the Promise" first in her: Numbered Among the Stars series (available on Amazon.com). She is a homemaker to her husband of 15 years, homeschooler to their children. Writing, enjoying tea and creaming Raw Honey are three of her current pursuits. Grabbing time to read is always high on her list of priorities! If you'd like to contact her, she'd love to hear from you! Just email: alichamchugh@gmail.com

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Psalms 27:10

This post is in response to another's post on a literary agent's blog. The writer is obviously hurting as her eldest son, born to her when she was young and unmarried, is a drug addict who has also been in jail. Nevertheless, she mentions her two younger sons, born into a wonderful marriage, who give her much joy.

I do not wish to add to her hurt, but I want to release mine in reading her excerpt. This blog is as good a place as any.

Children, born to young mothers who then get another mate and 'produce' half siblings, ~ right, wrong, good, bad -whatever~ often feel like the discarded souvenirs of a parent's trip down a road they wish they'd never taken. A path, had the parent not taken, would erase the child's very existence.

That is a gaping insecurity which no amount of parental love can cover or complete. Only a growing understanding of God's perfect, loving, compelling purpose for each of our lives, gives significance, that each of us were meant to live, to be, to hope. Despite my heritage I can dwell in assurance, confident that I too have a place 'numbered among the stars'.


The Savage said...

Wow... Painful, but well said. Isn't God good... a Father to the fatherless...

Kristen said...

There just aren't words, my friend. Very powerful words..."discarded souvenirs". I hate that life produces so much hurt, especially for those who did nothing to deserve it.